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Douglas McCreath 

A Cameronian in WW2

On June 9 2020, Mr Douglas McCreath made a videoconference with a couple of students and some of our guests. 

He shared the history of his father, also named Douglas, who joined the Cameronian Regiment in 1940. 

Douglas McCreath was a Sergeant in the
52nd Lowland Division

Originated from Glasgow, Douglas McCreath tells of his father and of the Cameronians  


52 Lowland shoulder badge 1940.png

The 52nd Lowland Division took part in combats in June 1940

52 MAP-Lowland France 1940.jpg

A school group of the "European section" wrote down the transcription of this account and illustrated it.

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To discover more stories about the McCreath family,
clic here and visit
Douglas McCreath's website

Map: G. Blake, Mountain and Flood. 1950
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